Field Trip
A Tour of the Transportation Security Administration Systems Integration Facility (TSIF)
Friday, March 17, 2017 – 08:45 AM to 3PM
Take a tour with the RAeS DC branch as we discover the future of passenger screening. The TSA’s Transportation Security Administration Systems Integration Facility (TSIF) is a massive 120,00 square foot facility that discovers, develops and delivers breakthrough technologies that provide the agency the technological advantage to maintain transportation security at ports, rail stations and airports around the country. Located in Arlington, Virginia, the facility is operated by a team of TSA test engineers and scientists. It is a globally unique test and evolution facility specifically for TSA and for the testing of new and advanced technologies that can support the TSA mission out in the field.
VENUETransportation Security Administration Systems Integration Facility (TSIF) REGISTRATIONOnline registration only Registration Deadline: March 4, 2017 Guest Limit: 40 people There is NO Charge for visiting a government facility. All fees are for the operation of the branch activities and program funding. $10 for RAeS Washington, DC Branch members $10 for students $15 for non-members Become a member: $55/year – Membership includes 5 events throughout the year and field trip discounts. Payments processed through PayPal. REQUIRED TO ATTEND
Registration Deadline: March 4, 2017
Guest Limit: 40 people
There is NO Charge for visiting a government facility. All fees are for the operation of the branch activities and program funding.
$10 for RAeS Washington, DC Branch members
$10 for students
$15 for non-members
Become a member: $55/year – Membership includes 5 events throughout the year and field trip discounts. Payments processed through PayPal.
Completed online registration & photo ID US Attendees: Details will be emailed to you after registration. Non-US attendees: Provide a foreign visitor request form
Completed online registration & photo ID
US Attendees: Details will be emailed to you after registration.
Non-US attendees: Provide a foreign visitor request form
Lee Harman (Event Chairman) - (610) 405-6790
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Copyright © 2017 RAeS DC Branch | PO Box 15164, Arlington, VA 22215. All rights reserved.
Contact: Lee Harman, Events Chair
The Royal Aeronautical Society is the world’s only professional body dedicated to the entire aerospace community. Established in 1866 to further the art, science and engineering of aeronautics, the Society has been at the forefront of developments in aerospace ever since. The Washington DC Branch was launched in 2003.
©2023 Royal Aeronautical Society, Washington, DC Branch